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Your health is your wealth!


Your health is the most valuable asset and you need fast, efficient and professional care at the hour of need.

Medical inflation in Kenya has been rising at average of 20% per year. The major drivers have been doctors’ fees, diagnostic procedures, Drugs, Bed Charges and other hospital related costs.

The average hospital bill in case of admission in a private hospital is about Kes. 300,000. The average Out-Patient cost in a private hospital is about Kes. 10,000. For instance NHIF rebate is Kes. 4,000 per night on high end hospitals and the rest is upon the patient to pay i.e. the Doctor, Theatre, Bed difference, Drugs etc.

Having a private medical cover will supplement the NHIF cover and the following are the conveniences:

  • Road and air ambulance Services in case of an Emergency
  • You can choose the hospital to be admitted in
  • You can choose specialist to manage your illness.
  • You can choose when to be admitted
  • You can access treatment using the latest technology which is not available in most Government Hospitals.


The following are the benefits of a medical cover

  • No deposit is required in case of an admission
  • The bills are paid directly to the providers
  • No Hospital bill fundraisings.
  • Your savings are secure and save
  • No use of log book and title deeds as security to access medical.
  • No loan from friends, Saccos, Chamas. Banks etc.

Your risks our business.

  • We shall empower you with knowledge in Primary healthcare
  • Secondary healthcare
  • Tertiary healthcare

Our expertise will make you live a stress free life. We shall make recommendation based on sound fundamentals on the provider who can meet and exceed your unique needs and wants.

We have a solution for individuals, SMEs, NGOs and Corporates.

Therefore, look no further

The best gift that you can give to yourself is a comprehensive health cover. Your health is the most valuable asset and you need fast, efficient and professional care at the hour of need.

Our vast wealth of experience spanning towards a quarter a century will not to disappoint!

The senior most member in our vast portfolio is 83 years old and aging gracefully. We shall walk with you and ensure you get value for money.

Your health is your wealth.